Back to School Plan
CHS is a one-to-one school that assigns each student a Chromebook and charger for both home and classroom use. This initiative will allow all students continuous access to a device at school and home which will lead to increased academic achievement. This will also keep our students safe because they will not be sharing devices with any other students.
The Chromebook device and charger is the property of Castle High School. The supplied device will provide each student access to educational materials needed for achievement during the school year. The Chromebook will allow student access to the G Suite for Education (formerly Google Apps for Education), Infinite Campus and other web-based educational tools required by the curriculum. The Chromebook is an educational tool and is NOT to be used for gaming, social media/networking or high end computing.
Students MUST check out a chromebook device and charger. Chromebooks are the only device that will be allowed for in class work. Personal devices are not allowed on the DOE network.
Students are responsible for bringing completely charged Chromebooks to school each day for use in their scheduled instructional periods. If a student forgets their device, none will be provided. They will need to work with their teachers so they can complete assignments without their device. If a student forgets their device frequently, they will be referred to their Academy Counselor.
Web filtering – Internet access will be filtered while the student’s Chromebook is connected. Please know that no web-filtering product is foolproof or as impactful as a conversation between a student and his or her parent/guardian about Internet Safety and the expectations of behavior while online.
Students are responsible for the general care of their Chromebooks. Chromebooks that are broken, damaged, or fail to work properly should be reported right away via the ​Technology Support Request Form. The cost of any device/charger that is broken, damaged, lost or stolen will become an CHS obligation of the student.