Back to School Plan
Castle High School is committed to ensuring access to a high-quality education for all students regardless of geographic location, economic status, academic ability or language proficiency. Supports are available for vulnerable students, including those with special needs, students in unstable housing, and English learners.
Castle High School is mindful of students who are particularly vulnerable in determining the instructional model. For students with disabilities, placement in the least restrictive environment continues to be a regulatory requirement and priority under state and federal laws. Physical and social distancing will be adhered to in every classroom. Teachers will continue efforts to ensure inclusion of students with disabilities and special populations in their classroom sessions as appropriate. Accommodations and modifications based on individual student needs will be implemented with the understanding that some adjustments may be necessary and applicable within the school’s instructional model.
Upon reopening in the Fall, Castle High School staff may conduct Individualized Education Program (IEP)/Section 504 meetings to determine each student's needs and assess skills. Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) are vital to this process. Parents are encouraged to participate in decision-making. Virtual learning and other blended models as an instructional choice within a school model may constitute a change in placement for a student with a disability and thus require the IEP or 504 team to convene. For specific questions about Special Education, please contact Steven Ing, at ings@knights.k12.hi.us.
Castle High School prioritizes the distribution of devices by parent request and approval to all students as applicable. Castle High School continues to work towards assisting students with devices and connectivity for distance learning.
English Language Learners - The ELL Coordinator is the key person in determining and assessing student needs or accommodations for this population. For more information, please contact Holland Henderson at hendersonh@knights.k12.hi.us.
Students with Unstable Housing - Parents may request assistance for students that meet this criteria and information can be obtained at the Registrar’s office, the main office or from any administrator.