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Distance Learning Plan

We have prepared this document to illustrate our plans for educational continuity actions that Castle High School will implement during the extended campus closure. Our goal in this Distance Learning Plan (DLP) is to provide a flexible and manageable distance learning framework with guidelines that can be implemented in a variety of circumstances to meet the needs of all of our students. This is the framework of the program that will be activated during mandated school closures. Although we have worked to be proactive and anticipate student and faculty needs, as with all plans that are developed to address emergency situations, there will be adjustments and modifications to meet the diverse situations of all students. The CHS Leadership Team and support staff will be available to support students and their families in order to take optimal advantage of this Distance Learning Program, while maintaining balance for the health and well-being of our students, teachers and families. >>> Castle's Distance Learning Plan (DLP)


CHS response to Hawaii State Department of Education Guidance for Long-Term School Closures: Graduation, Promotion and Grading



How will CHS communicate with parents, students, and faculty/staff during the extended school closure?

Weekly Schedule

CHS will adopt a modified weekly schedule during the extended school closure. Online learning is, by nature, more independent and self-paced. We tried to balance the need for predictability and structure with the need for flexibility. In the schedule below, the designated time slot for each class period indicates when teachers will need to sync with students and/or when teachers will host virtual classes via Google Meet. It will take all of us to reiterate to students that school is still in session, just in a different space.

CHS will continue to use the same platforms it employs for day to day communications with parents, students, and faculty/staff. All of these systems are remotely accessible and will function in an emergency situation.


Faculty, Staff, Students,


Email will be used for all major communications and announcements, including those from the Principal. Faculty will also use the email to communicate, although they will use other platforms to interact with students.


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Faculty, Staff, Students,


The Learning Management System (LMS)


All lessons, materials, and assignments housed in a single location.


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High School Students

Google GSuite (including Gmail, Docs, Classroom, etc. will continue to be the platform used by teachers.


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High School Students

Google Meet is an online video conferencing platform that is fully integrated with Google GSuite. Google Meet can be used for live group meetings.


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General Public

CHS will maintain general information on its closure status for the public at

Principal Tyrell's

Parent Letters


The transition to distance learning may be challenging for families. Parents/guardians will need to think differently about how to support their children; how to create structures and routines that allow their children to be successful; and how to monitor and support their children’s learning. Some students will thrive with distance learning, while others may struggle. The ten guidelines provided below are intended to help parents/guardians think about what they can do to help their children find success in a distance learning environment. For a full description of each guideline below, refer to the CHS Distant Learning Plan >>> Click Here

1) Establish routines and expectations

From the first day CHS implements Virtual Learning, parents/guardians need to establish routines and expectations. CHS encourages parents/guardians to set regular hours for their child’s school work.


2) Define the physical space for your child's study

Your child may have a regular place for doing homework under normal circumstances, but this space may or may not be suitable for an extended period of time, as will be the case if virtual learning is implemented.


3) Monitor communication from your child's teachers 

Teachers will communicate with parents/guardians through email, when and as necessary. When you need to contact teachers, please remember that teachers will be communicating with many students as well as other parents/guardians and that communications should be essential, succinct, and self-aware. We also encourage parents/guardians to have their child explain the online platforms (e.g. Google GSuite/Classroom/Meet, etc.) their teachers are using.


4) Begin and end each day with a check-in

Parents/Guardians are encouraged to start and finish each day with a simple check-in. In the morning, ask what is your child learning today? What are their learning targets or goals? How will they spend their time? What resources do they require? What support do they need? This brief grounding conversation matters.


5) Take an active role in helping your child process and own their learning

In the course of a regular school day at CHS, your child engages with other students or adults dozens if not hundreds of times.


6) Establish times for quiet thought and reflection

A huge challenge for families with multiple children will be how to manage all of their needs, especially when those children are different ages and have different needs. There may be times when siblings need to work in different rooms to avoid distraction.


7) Encourage physical activity and/or exercise

Make sure your child remembers to move and exercise. This is vitally important to their health, wellbeing, and to their learning. Castle’s physical education teachers will recommend activities or exercises, but it is important for parents/guardians to model and encourage exercise!


8) Remain mindful of your child's stress or worry

During the implementation of the DLP, it is imperative for parents/guardians to help their child manage the worry, anxiety, and range of emotions they may experience. Difficult though it may be, do your best not to transfer your stress or worry to your children.


9) Monitor how much time your child is spending online

CHS does not intend for our students to stare at computer screens for 7–8 hours a day. We ask that parents/guardians remember most teachers are not experts in virtual learning and that it will require some trial-and-error before we find the right balance between online and offline learning experiences.


10) Keep your child social, but set rules around their social media interactions

Please also monitor your child’s social media use, especially during an extended school closure. Older children will rely more on social media to communicate with friends. Social media apps such as SnapChat, Instagram, WhatsApp, or Facebook are not official, school-sanctioned channels of communication.

Assignments, assessments, or resources for students? 


° Email the relevant teacher

° Child Internet Safety Resources

° Online Learning Resources


IEP/504 questions?


° Email care coordinator


Technology-related problem or issue? 


° Fill out Tech Support Form






Personal, academic or social-emotional concern for a student?


° Academy Counselors:


Freshman Academy

Chris Bisho


Academy of Innovation


Summer Pasco-Cariaga


Kalama Pastor


Jordan Yahata


Academy of Medical & Culinary


Jordan Gross


Academy of Arts & Business


Nelson Maeda


Academy of Navigators


Contact your child's care coordinator


For Questions About:

Expectations for Classroom Teachers

Class Work:

The amount of work students are expected to complete will not be equivalent to a traditional class setting. Teachers will be modifying class workload to meet the needs of students adjusting to distance learning. Advanced Placement classes, though, may have more assignments to prepare for the Advanced Placement exams. Teachers will also be expected to respond to students’ questions daily. Early college courses will resume online beginning March 30th, WCC instructors will contact students regarding expectations.


A student will be marked present when the student checks in with the teacher during the week. This could be by email, typing on a discussion board, or joining a virtual class. Teachers will be sharing with students via Google Classroom what form of check in there will be for each period.

Office Hours:

A student will be marked present when the student checks in with the teacher during the week. This could be by email, typing on a discussion board, or joining a virtual class. Teachers will be sharing with students via Google Classroom what form of check in there will be for each period.

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