School Policies and Information > Student Parking
Student Parking
The student parking lot is only in the area by the Athletic Field. No student parking allowed in
faculty/staff parking areas. Accessible student parking in other areas besides the student parking lot will be made available when needed/requested. There is a limited number of
parking stalls at Castle High School. To alleviate the confusion and to ease the parking problem, the following procedure will be in effect. All parking areas will be clearly defined and everyone parking on the campus must park in their designated areas. Parking tags must be visible displayed on your front passenger windshield while parked in the parking lot.
WARNING: Appropriate administration action will be taken on those who double park, block other cars, or are otherwise illegally parked. Cars may be given a police citation or face both citation and tow away at owner’s expense.
1. Parking will be on a first come, first served basis.
2. All student parking is by parking tag permit only.
3. Parking permit tags will be issued to students with the following: Vehicle Registration,
Vehicle insurance, Student Driver’s License, Application signed by Parent and Student, and a fee of $1. Parking tag needs to be renewed yearly.
1. Speed limit to all parking areas is 05 MPH.
2. Cars must be parked in assigned areas.
3. Students may not sit or loiter near parked cars during the hours of 8:00am – 3:00 pm.
4. All vehicles must be equipped with exhaust muffler in proper working conditions at all times.
5. The traffic pattern in the parking area must be observed at all times.
6. No parking in assigned stalls that are designated as reserved.
1. Do not leave car unlocked.
2. Do not leave any valuables in your car.
3. Do on t leave your keys in your car.
The school will NOT be responsible for any claim by reason of loss, theft, damage, or injury to vehicles or their passengers and contents while parked or proceeding into the parking lot of Castle High School. Gate opens at 7:10am and closes at 8:00am.