Kelly Wadlegger
Ballet I, II, III and Directed Studies
Creative Dance (Beg. Int. & Advanced)
Kelly Wadlegger is the Dance Director/Dance Educator for Performing Arts at Castle High School since 2015. From 2012-2015 she directed IBDP Dance at the Western Academy Beijing China. She holds an MFA Dance from UH Manoa, and BFA from SUNY Purchase Conservatory. She has Category 3 training in IBDP Theatre, and Category 1-2 Training in IBDP Dance with the IBO. Kelly has worked in China, Romania, Singapore, and Thailand. She developed the IBDP Dance program at the International School Bangkok. She worked on national commercials for YES-TV Tel Aviv, Israel; and performed in The Tempest with The Company of Performing Artists, Thailand. She toured with NYC Mezzacappa-Gabrian Co. in the Humphrey Weidman Legends, and as a soloist with Tennessee Dance Theatre touring with Nashville musicians Max Reid, Riders in the Sky and Mark O’Connor. She has guest lectured at UH Manoa Dept. of Theatre and Dance, Beijing Modern LDTX, and presented theatre/dance at The Green T House, and Blu Theatre in Beijing. Kelly studied acting as a working observer at The Actor’s Studio NYC, at Purchase, at the Boston Conservatory, and with Gary Swanson, NYC. In Honolulu, she performed with Convergence Dance Theatre, and in Poliahu with Tau Dance Theatre. Her credits include directing Identities in Motion for the 1st Oahu Fringe Festival; choreographer for HPU’s Much Ado About Nothing, MVT’s Stage Kiss, and 2019 Tony n Tina’s Wedding; The Tempest at The Mission House, which received a Pookela (best ensemble) and Moolelo o ke Koa for Chamber Music Hawaii at PTW and DDT. Kelly recently assistant directed /choreographed Cinderella Waltz at TAG. Overseas she worked on high school musicals Rent, Our Town, Nunsense, Newsies. Kelly directed Disney’s Alice and Wonderland Jr. and Peter Pan Jr. for Le Jardin Academy’s Summer Program. For Castle High’s Ron Bright Performing Arts Center, she directed Castle DanceForce productions including, United Colors of Dance, Juxtapositions, the Duke Ellington jazz version of The Nutcracker, a dance-theatre interpretation of the ballet Sleeping Beauty, and a dance-drama based on the book Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. In December, she will direct Castle DanceForce in an original interpretation of Fairytale- Little Mermaid, Red Riding Hood, and Cinderella at the Ron Bright Performing Arts Center.