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Attendance Policy



Attendance Procedures .... at a Glance


All students are expected to attend school regularly and to be on time for scheduled classes whether on campus or at home. Attendance will be taken daily for every class. 


The Attendance office opens at 7:45am daily.  The telephone number is 305-0792, the email address is and the fax number is 233-5623, Attn: Attendance Office.


  • Parents are to notify the Attendance Clerk in cases of legitimate absences by a telephone call or during the absence followed by an email or hard copy or by a written note within two days upon the student’s return to school. 

  • An absence without a parent note within TWO (2) SCHOOL DAYS of the student’s return to campus will be regarded as an unexcused absence. 

  • ​A note from parent/guardian is required for ALL absences.  Attach required documents to note (doctor’s note, appointment slip, obituary notice, etc.)

    • ​​Absence Note must include:

      • Parent/Legal guardian’s signature

      • Phone number(s) where parent/guardian can be contacted

      • Student’s legal first and last name

      • Date note was written

      • Grade level

      • Date of absence

      • Reason for absence

  • Trips

    • Students must provide a note from parent/guardian and meet with their administrator PRIOR TO TRAVEL. Administrator will review and indicate on the note if absence will be excused or unexcused. Students will show the signed note to their teachers prior to travel. Trips for the purpose of college visitations must be approved prior, and students must bring a letter or other documentation from the college and career office of the college to be visited.

  • Excused or unexcused absences will be determined by the school according to Rule 4160.1

  • Excused Absences​

    • Illness

      • If a student is absent for 1-3 days due to illness, a note from parent/guardian is required.

      • If the student is ill for 4 or more days, parents/guardians need to obtain a doctor’s note.

    • Doctor/Dentist appointment

      • Note required from doctor/dentist

    • Family Court appointment

      • Note from Family Court required

    • Funeral services for a family member

      • Copy of the funeral program required OR

      • Obituary notice with name of relative and relationship 


Tardy process

  • If  late to class, upon entering campus students will be issued a tardy pass. Students may pick up a tardy class from the following locations:

  • Upper Campus: ATTENDANCE OFFICE Clerk in Rm 11B o

  • Lower Campus: COUNSELING OFFICE Clerk 

  • Students will have 5 minutes to report to class with a tardy pass.

  • The Security Team will conduct tardy sweeps, approximately 10 minutes after the tardy bell.  If a student is found loitering in halls and/or does not have a valid pass, he/she will be sent to the Round Table Room for In School Suspension (ISS) for that period.  Students will complete academic work while in ISS and will have access to Google Classroom and a chromebook.  Cell phone usage is not permitted in ISS.  The student will be responsible for any work missed for that period.  When the period is over, students will be released and transition to the next period. The absence from class will be recorded as ISS by the attendance clerk.


​Procedures for Student Release from the Health or Front Office


  • Daily Off-Campus passes will be issued through the Front Office or Health Room.  

  • Student will be released only to a parent/guardian listed on the emergency card at the front office and health room.

  • Parent/Guardian must present a picture ID.

  • If the parent/guardian is unable to pick the student up, another named adult may pick the student up with parent permission and a picture ID. 

  • Student will be allowed to drive home with parent/guardian permission.

  • Student will be allowed to walk home with parent/guardian permission.



“To satisfy the requirements of state law (HRS §302A-1132), schools shall take daily student attendance. School attendance procedures shall support varying school designs and learning opportunities, including in-person, online and blended instruction. Parents should reach out to their child's teacher if they are unsure of how attendance is being taken. Parents are important partners with us in ensuring students are attending daily.  (Return to Learn Document version 19, March 2021)”

Please assist the school in the completion of emergency cards that will be issued to your child during the first week of school.  If your child becomes ill or injured during school, he/she can be released only with your permission.  To assure prompt attention in case of an emergency, notify the school of any changes in telephone numbers and/or addresses throughout the school year. Be sure to list any medical concerns or problems that your child may have. Complete the electronic form and submit online.




Castle High School's full attendance policy can be found here. This includes detailed information on infractions, interventions and consequences for unexcused absences and tardies.

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